Female Emotional Jujitsu
Women are born with the ability to inflict emotional violence in a way that men lack, and this important distinction between the two sexes often escapes many people.
Biology is real, and there are certain inherent differences between human males and females. It’s not just that men have a penis and women have a vagina; it’s also about how they behave toward each other and toward others of the same sex.
Josh Slocum over at the Disaffected newsletter recently posted an article about women and emotional violence:
I’m both a little too angry, and a little too busy, to say much more about this than a few sentences right now. I may come back later and add to it.
What I’d like to communicate:
1. Women have an ability to hurt men emotionally in the deepest possible way.
Women’s emotional violence has long been excused, called “cute,” praised as girl-bossery, and more.
What this woman in the Reddit post did below is extreme emotional violence. It is the female equivalent of a husband punching his wife in the face. The word for this kind of woman is “cunt.”
Josh’s post reminded me of what I have thought for a very long time: Females are born with what I call an inherent Female Emotional Jujitsu that men lack. This means that females are much better at emotional warfare than men. Women can key in on the emotional vulnerabilities of men in a way that men simply cannot do. This obviously is directly related to the fact that the primary sex hormone of women is estrogen, while that of men is testosterone.
Males simply do not engage in such emotional warfare against each other. When men have a conflict with one another, it often results in a physical confrontation to settle the conflict. That is how we relate to one another, and it’s one of the reasons why smart men tread carefully when around other men. We know what we are capable of, and, for the most part, it is better to avoid a physical confrontation where one man or the other could be severely injured or killed.
Consider what happens when two women hate each other. They will often feign liking the other woman, but in their minds they despise one another. This false affinity masks true hostility, and the end result is two women scheming against each other, and plotting to inflict emotional damage on their enemy. When two such women go to emotional war, the results can be terrible for both of them. While it is possible that a conflict between two women, particularly younger women, could explode into a physical confrontation, their usual method is to use gossip and slander to destroy the other woman.
In a conflict between two women, it is more or less a war of two equals. Men, however, simply do not possess the Female Emotional Jujitsu that women have and thus are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to emotional warfare. This is why men will often resort to physical violence to deal with women. Men are built to excel at physical violence. We are generally larger and stronger than women, and we are usually capable of overpowering women in a physical way. Faced with a woman who is using Female Emotional Jujitsu against him, some men will resort to violence to stop the emotional attack and bring the woman back under some semblance of control to terminate the emotional violence being inflicted on him.
There was a terrible situation a while back where a young man was convinced by his girlfriend to kill himself, and he did. She sent him text after text, encouraging him to take his own life. She used her Female Emotional Jujitsu to weaken him, to manipulate him, and to utterly destroy him. At any time, however, he could have rejected this and destroyed her physically. But he did not do this because she controlled his emotions.
It is a shame that an older, more experienced man did not intervene to teach him about women and emotional violence. If he had had an older man to guide and protect him, he might have survived his encounter with that evil harpy. Alas, he listened to her and now he is dead.
You can see the evil in her eyes in this photo. This is a good example of a female feigning a pleasant smile to hide her thoughts about destroying him.
There was a time in my life, when I was much younger, when Female Emotional Jujitsu might have worked on me. I would not have detected it, and I would have taken what she said at face value. But I am older now and far wiser. I would detect it instantly, and I would shift the frame back onto her. I would immediately key in on her emotional weaknesses, and I would rake her over the coals so fast her head would spin. Aging does have its advantages; you learn how things work, and that includes female psychology. Once you are aware of Female Emotional Jujitsu, you can easily defend yourself against it and turn the tables on the woman who is trying to use it on you.
My advice to women who choose to use emotional violence against men is this: Tread VERY carefully, ladies. You might enjoy causing a man emotional distress, or even try to physically destroy him by sinking your claws into his mind. But you are also playing with fire because that man’s body contains a massive amount of testosterone compared to yours, particularly if he is a very young man. Push him too far, and he might become aware of your manipulation. If that happens, then the results can be explosive, and that explosion could come back on you to your everlasting regret.
One thing is certain: Men need to understand and take seriously Female Emotional Jujitsu. Never let a woman take control of your mind, guys. If she’s waging emotional warfare against you, terminate all contact with her and don’t look back. Get as far away from her as possible, as quickly as possible. Protect yourself from her emotional violence by shutting her out and never letting her inside your mind again.
REMEMBER: No woman is worth losing your life over.
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The worst victims are the sons of women that do this. Often in son abuse, a women will destroy her son to get revenge on the father.
No woman is worth losing your life over, I’d also add no woman is worth going to prison over. I’ve known some who will push men to the point of breaking just so they lash out and then the woman can claim victimhood. The courts are sadly heartless towards men who are victims of female emotional jujitsu. You’re right, cut ties and get the hell away ASAP.