Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Joe endorsed Harris to spite the Dems; makes it harder for them to pick a competitive candidate.

Hillary endorsed Harris to avoid backlash from the Prog DEI crowd for knifing the Token One. She will unctuously accept the nomination at the convention as her sworn duty to bow to the will of the people.

The rest is window dressing.

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Bravo, Jason! I think you might be right! 👍🏻

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We shall see. I should prefer a dull election but that is not to be.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Ugh. This isn't a political party, it's a moneylaundering operation disguised as a dynastic political soap opera. West Wing meets Dynasty.

Well, I think they'll stick with Kamala because there's--I've heard anywhere from $100 to $250 million--in donations to the Biden/HARRIS campaign that they can slide directly to Kamala but have to juggle to get to anyone else because of a campaign finance law that hasn't been ruled unconstitutional yet.

We'll KNOW soon enough. Hillary or Kamala, I figure Trump's got at least 300 Electoral College votes right now, and there's no way any Democrat can catch up. Not after that Fight! Fight! under the flag moment.

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I hope you are right about Trump. What if Kamala is the nominee and somehow "wins?" Can you imagine 4 years of her ridiculous laugh? She'll meet with Xi or Putin and they will both roll their eyes at her stupidity.

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The only way Kamala will “win” is if the election is so massively rigged that a large majority of Americans will know it was.

Yeah, in the immortal words of Han Solo, I can IMAGINE quite a lot. I can see her giggling through summit meetings, but I don’t see how other world leaders could take her seriously.

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Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I don't know what's going to happen, but if they all get sucked into a lava-filled sink hole, I won't be upset.

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Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Excuse me while I visit the vomitorium.

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You won't be the only one. If Kamala doesn't get nominated, she'll be in there too! 😂

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Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Solid insights and analysis, especially the part about Biden being super dangerous for the duration. He’s a nasty old criminal, so there is just no telling what he might do!

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Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Biden made a deal with Kamila parden for Hunter

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Interesting idea, Raymond. I don't doubt he'll pardon Hunter. Why not? It's the end of his political career anyway, but he'll wait until after the election to do it.

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Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I guess Kamala finally sucked enough D to get rewarded with a nomination.

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Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

$240M reasons, and she's gonna get over $100M in fundraising 24 hours.

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Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

ever since that "we came we saw he died" statement I was convinced that Mrs. Clinton is one evil, insane witch

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Killary sooo wants a rematch and Big Mike wants the blacks and karens. Toss up.

Both families have body counts racked up and mafia types in their pockets. Toss up.

“Endorsing” is just words, virtue signaling.

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oh man, I hope it's not going to be a Big Mike's Boobs candidacy.

vp cackles and giggles is more likely to lose and I don't wanna see either of those diversity hires in the Big Chair

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Contrast with this the relative unity in the Republican camp. The best thing for Republicans right now is to maintain an aura of unflappable calm and cohesion. Rise above any of the baiting and it will become increasingly clear who the adults in the room are.

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Big Mike vs. Killary, goooo!

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Everything old is new again.

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I tell you it's going to be Harris so they can keep the dough and big Mike as VP with the Obama's ruling behind the scenes same as now.

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If that is the case, why didn't Obama endorse Kamala? Why didn't Michelle? They can still keep the money if Kamala stays on as VP, BTW.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Oh I am sure the Obomba's want big Mike to go all the way, but there is no way the DNC will give up a quarter of a billion dollars. Even Obummer doesn't have that much pull.

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Do you think he endorsed Kamala to spite the ruling families if the Democrat party?

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