
For those who are interested, see these videos for some good footage of birds attacking drones. GO BIRDS!!!! DESTROY THEM ALL!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


And this one:


And this one:


And this one:


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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Plus it's noisy as fuck, I do not want those things in my quiet wilderness area.

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You got that right, but on Amazon's drone page it says they have a newer model that is quieter. But who the hell wants these things making any kind of noise? Imagine sitting in your home, with the window open and you have to listen to one of them buzzing around.

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deletedJun 2
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Weed whackers should be banned too, I hate that shit. Thank God I live over 30 miles from the nearest town large enough to ship anything, so I won't be seeing those things any time soon.

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Plus this crap is just 15 minute cities don't leave your pod bullshit, you know better than this, I know you do.

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Leaf blowers move over, you have new competition in the most annoying pointless technology bracket.

I am so glad I'll be far, far away from the hives by the time these noisy things are flying. If I catch one over my property in spite of that it's going down. I will find a way.

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I suspect a directed EMP would fry their electronics and it would look like an accidental crash...


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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The question is WHY do people want/need to have their parcel delivered almost on the spot? What’s the matter with people? Is it so hard to wait a day or so before your parcel arrives? Would the contents melt or is it that people are more impatient?

We’re racing to the bottom. I would much prefer to wait a day and have the delivery guy bring it to me. Almost all are nice guys putting the heavy parcels in my hallway (something a drone cannot do…nor would I ever want that!).

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You raise a good point, Joyce. I think it has to do with a combination of impatience and laziness. People want what they want when they want it, but so many are too lazy now to even drive to the store to get it. So they want to order it online and have it arrive five minutes later.

The placement issue is also notable. The drones seem to need a spot to drop the package, they don't seem able to put it someplace the customer wants like the back door, in the garage or front door or whatever. So the customer is just going to have to create a spot for the drone to drop it and then go get it.

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Exactly! And anyone with a handicap or being elderly would be duped for being unable to pick up a heavy parcel from the driveway or the backyard.

Imagine if more people would have their parcels delivered simultaneously… Hitchcock’s The Birds would pale in comparison

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I am a master of delayed gratification. Each time I order something from the zon, I choose the lowest postage delivery, even if it means I wait for a week to get what I ordered.

It’s always neater getting something if you’ve forgotten you’ve ordered it.

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Love that approach! I never mind having to wait.

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I do the same, free delivery.

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I'm impressed by your patience, and also shocked that this is the first time I've seen Amazon shorthanded to just "Zon".

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I can see these things suffering the same fate as ULEZ cameras in London. Especially as there will be an awful lot of pissed off ex-delivery drivers with time to gaze at the sky having tooled up for the sport :)

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

That drone was delivering a dozen eggs 😳

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Shoot the fucking things down. The great advantage is you don't even need a gun (no chance of having one on this side of the pond); a half-decent catapult should do the trick. You'd need to be careful no one was under it obviously but that's my plan. Once they've lost a few hundred they'll give up on the idea.

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I’m sure my wrist rocket that accommodates 1” steel ball bearings would work just fine. Old school but effective.

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

They make devices to jam drones. I foresee that that technology will sell beyond all expectation.

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Good, but I wonder if that means if a drone flies into jammer range if it just drops out of the sky or whatever? That might be bad if there are people around, but fine if it's a wilderness area or something like that.

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Jun 3Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

They make "prox" type devices like this and "targeted" versions. The targeted versions tend to be harder to use due to the maneuvers drones make, but a prox version essentially acts as an EMP-frag, only instead of an EMP, it deauthorizes the signal reception to the drone in it's immediate vacinity, causing it to go into recovery mode, which is usually just an immediate steady descent til it lands. Older versions of the specific drone firmware this was tested on allowed the user controlling the drone to lose all control, but still see via the camera what was happening. The newer versions of these devices cut all feeds.

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Thank you for the info, Ordnance. Very interesting, I had no idea how they worked.

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Noise pollution.

Complain away!

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If they try to send one to my house, I'm going to call the cops and have it shot out of the sky! 😂

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Jun 3Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Sorry to be such a burden. Your time is obviously more valuable than mine.

CUAS = Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems.

We've been developing custom open source repo's on GitHub for users who want to help develop these systems for turning their own drones (DJI platform) into attack devices that can take out other drones when needed.

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Again, thank you for the information. So it will be drones versus drones? Well, that's better than people getting hurt. Let the drones fight! 😂

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This is shocking. How did that get allowed? Surely there's a public participation process where objections on the grounds of privacy and noise nuisance can be lodged?

Where are the green peace types now? They should also be stepping up, instead of stupidly pasting themselves to roads. The danger to birds is a real consideration.

Never mind threats to human jobs. First, the shops suffer because of online megagiants. Now even the few people (i.e. couriers) hired by these megagiants are having their jobs threatened. Although I guess jobs for "drone loaders" might be created (before being replaced by robots). But either way, humans are being rendered increasingly redundant. Their only "jobs" in future will be to sit on couches, watch streamed crap on their screens, receive ubi, and accept packages dropped in their laps. Oh, and not procreate until we're gone. You know, because "humans bad" and "climate".

The depth of human stupidity and slavish worship of technology is extreme. We are "innovating" ourselves out of any meaningful form of existence.

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No, the FAA's regulations supercede all state and local ones, I believe. So once they have FAA approval, I think they can do as they please, more or less.

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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Dang. That's a bummer. Some cursory search online wasn't very heartening. Ultimately, airspace belongs to the FAA, it seems. From the ground up. There are even rules for kites and hobby rockets! Must check out the rules for my own country, because this is coming down the line for everyone.

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You should see the lovely video the WEF has created on their website. It explains when robots and AI have all our jobs, we can’t contribute to society anymore and we will be the Loser Class. So eloquent. They don’t even try to mask their disgust any longer.

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The thing is globalists always underestimate the effectiveness of peasant insurgencies. The Taliban defeated the most technically advanced military in the world with truck mounted machine guns and homemade roadside bombs.

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I sent a long reply, M, but it got lost in the Substack limbo after hitting send! But, in short, I said I was trying to limit seeing too much from those sociopaths! It gets my blood boiling.... They don't even bother to hide their intentions and are so busy slapping each other on the back that they don't notice the peasantry are sharpening their pitchforks.

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Ann, I have the same reaction as you. Those smug robber barons may end up with a global revolt on their hands. Payback’s a bitch.

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One can live in hope that payback will be "pitch perfect", so to speak. 😏 Metaphorically speaking, of course....

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Absolutely! A girl can dream…

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"How did that get allowed?"

Look for a brand new BMW in an FAA agents garage to be enlightened.

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Not just the direct threat to birds but it will cause all animals to scatter in panic that it flies over, and this could disrupt mating, and other activities animals engage in.

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Very good point. I think that good upstanding American citizens need to start doing some innoative, repurposed clay pigeon shooting....


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Jun 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

*innovative 😏

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Perhaps an Elmer Fud style hunting hat could be a symbol of the resistance.

Remember boys and girls shoot ahead of the target to allow lead time for impact...

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That’s what I was missing. I need an attractive duck hunting hat for drone extermination. That plaid hat lining is so attractive. As for alternative weapons, you’d have to be careful, but a Mongolian horse bow packs quite a wallop, as does a crossbow or compound bow. Not quite the fps of long guns, but more than adequate for the job. Quiet too.

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Good point. You’ have to be pretty close to hit a moving target with a bow though, like 50 yards or less.

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Getting ready for another lockdown?

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Ha, you never know. Well, I suppose it's one way to deliver food rations or whatever.

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As an owner and developer of CUAS devices, I've never been happier to see the official initiation of a system. It's officially open season boys. 🎯

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CUAS? Did your ingroup acronym really save any time, considering everyone is going to need to look it up?

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Snipers in camo, target practice. Ahahaha hahaha.

No more shopping on line for me.

I'll save much on things I really don't need but wanted.

Thanks for the savings Amazon.

When your too big to fail and you get away with flying over land that your not invited to view. It's way too much.

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This 2015 story describes, briefly in low detail, how yakuza in japan are using drones for drug deliveries and the police have decided to use their own drones with net capture systems to grab them. If amazon goes through with this there may be a market in catching amazon drones and selling the parts. Maybe even more profitable than stealing catalytic converters?


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