Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You are totally off base on Yuri, Morgo. I’m not even going to go into it here but I’ve been following him longer than you. I like your perspective too but why so freakin paranoid? His family is from China and barely escaped with their lives and what I got from the article was how America is turning into the CCP with all the libtard struggle sessions and similar bullshit. I look forward to his posts about all the DEI and other demoralization efforts. I get no hint of someone trying to gin up a struggle with China as much as he was reminding us what happened as the MSM won’t do it. I don’t agree with you at all on this.

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His family fled the Communists and his name is Yuri? There were a lot of White Russians who fled to China after the Russian Revolution, and fled again a generation later from Mao. Is his family one of those?

Of course I don't know, but if it is, that's a very good reason not to trust anything one of them says about China today, just as it is foolish to let Cuban or Venezuelan exiles shape American foreign policy to those countries. They have their own agenda, and it probably is not in our best national interests.

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Jun 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

His name isn't Yuri. He wears the identity of a Soviet defector who has been dead for 31 years. It's made him seem fishy to me since I first saw him, since I recognised his namesake.


I would not be surprised if many people who might have heard of the real Yuri Bezmenov before without being familiar enough with him to realise he's dead think the Yuri Bezmenov on Substack is the real one, thus giving him more trust than they might otherwise, which one is likely to do either way due to simple psychology and the positive pair association it creates. It's manipulative at best.

That said, I don't know if I think he is a bad faith actor or not. My impression from his comments and posts is he seems genuine, but I don't care for his writing, and I have an instinctual mistrust of him for using someone else's name and even referencing the real Yuri's writing on subversion for his Substack's name. It is one thing to want anonymity, it is another to use a dead man's identity. If he is from China, then I could understand his attitude toward the CPC and falling for the propaganda on Tiananmen Square.

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Excellent post, Emma. Thank you for clarifying for OB and anybody else who is not familiar with the real Yuri.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Isn't it possible that you and Yuri B agree on some things, and disagree on other things? The language of "beware" you use here is very peculiar, as if you are a Substack lifeguard.

I read tons of authors with whom I agree on some things and disagree seriously on others. I don't feel like I am being harmed when they express views I don't agree with, or lured in to some sort of underground lair. I think "huh, nope, disagree with you on that one". It doesn't make me feel like I'll get cooties if I keep reading them on the stuff I like and ignoring the stuff I don't like.

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Good points, but who do you think is the real target of the neocon's war propaganda? White males. They want cannon fodder for their upcoming wars, and the "HATE CHINA!" propaganda is a part of that, so yes I say "beware" because there is covert manipulation going on behind that propaganda. It is not as simple or straightforward as simply disagreeing with the author.

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I am sure you are correct that the readership for both your substack and yuri B's consists mostly of white men. But I think you are wrong to take the approach of "warning" anybody; it's borrowed from a worldview with which you both disagree (the contemporary left-progressive "musn't read that, might make you think the wrong things"). Why not just make your case for why right wing war propaganda about China is misguided and trust in others' ability to read widely and to draw their own conclusions?

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Because the Yuri account posted that article, and it is Neocon propaganda. That is why I wrote this article as a response and a warning.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

"Yuri" also pushes the Zionist line, I shit canned him months ago over that.

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Do you have an example of that you can share? No problem if you can’t remember where you saw it, it happens to me all the time. But I would like a look at anything relevant if you have links handy. Thanks!

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Sorry I blocked him and it was months ago. I would look at his posts and notes right after October 7th, but I can’t remember exactly.

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No problem whatsoever, I understand.

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Yup, Yuri is a Zionist, noticed almost immediately; "All fruit from the poisoned tree is tainted", a propagandist devoid of moral compass.

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Say's the bigot who has mythomane delusion that noise is music.

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Oh look it's Atomic Loser!

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Empire of Lies cannot lecture other Great Powers on how to run their Internal Affairs. It never had the Moral Standing to do so, let alone now when it has pursued its Hegemony to its logical conclusion... namely, War with the World & Total Defeat.

'China bashing' is silly since (1) Most Chinese people are behind the Party & (2) Most Communist Party members are from every walk & area of life (farmers, engineers, artists, etc.)

An organization with over 100+ million members (by definition) will have several factions with all sorts of viewpoints. It is simply a matter of Historical fact that Communism is what the Chinese people themselves (through Actions & Deeds) *chose* for themselves.

To think that they did not choose this, or they were somehow too 'brainwashed' & chose wrongly... that's just Orientalist silliness. They knew exactly what they were doing, which is why China today is a Great Power & 'The workshop of the world'... while the Empire of Lies is Moribund.

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The hypocrisy of the Neocons knows no bounds. It never even occurs to them how utterly full of shit they are about lecturing the rest of the world. 🙄

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Great post, I was actually thinking the same thing. Here is a great article from Matt Ehret that helps explain the situation.


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Excellent find, thank you. I've added it to the article. 👍🏻

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Jun 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Matt Ehret is a fantastic journalist and writer who seems largely unknown. Highly recommend his work, he has written some of the best and most informative essays I've ever read on some of the subjects he's touched upon.

I first started paying attention to him after seeing a series of articles (linked below for the curious) that he wrote for Strategic Culture on the history of eugenicists, transhumanism, and certain global elite circles, the prestigious publication that was the first I'm aware of to be outright banned from working for in the US—as I learned of from Rand Paul's website—that recently got taken down by the CIA and had to switch from the American .org TLD to .su.




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Oh thanks, yes I subbed to him yesterday and just gave him a rec. His substack is here if others want to check him out:


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I consider him a neocon tool after being first under the same expression as you. He is also quite servile to the Substack CEOs and applauds every nonsense move they make. I am careful.

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Aaaah, so I'm not the only one who noticed it? Thanks for confirming my impression.

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Jun 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

High plains grifter, that guy.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Another good call from Morgthorak, the Yuri account is as straight as a corkscrew and reeks of neocon agenda. Also another timely article - DTA - Don't Trust Anyone. The Narrative War is in overdrive. Remember the easiest guy to sell to is the salesman, the salesman always thinks they can't be fed a line, greased-up with compliments and sold some guff. Modern narrative guidance "writers" throw out a wide net, catch your interest on one subject and slowly bleed in the agenda or, ideally, build trust via one issue and get positive bias on others. Funnily enough I found (recommended) Morgthorak via Simplicius.

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I screenshotted your message with the narrative guidance text highlighted, I am going to stick it in the article at the end as an update. Thanks for posting it.

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Oh you found me through Simplicius? I did not know that, interesting. Well my thanks to him then for referring you here. Welcome to you. 👍🏻

All of you reading this thread should focus on and remember this part of George's comment:

"Modern narrative guidance "writers" throw out a wide net, catch your interest on one subject and slowly bleed in the agenda or, ideally, build trust via one issue and get positive bias on others."

That is it in a nutshell. I wish I had written that in the article. Kudos, George.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Thanks and at the risk of seeming sycophantic, another important article, good points well made. You were in a group of recommendations when I looked for Simplicius but I can't remember who else was in there but that was the connection.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Yuri he could be what you say, who knows? I'm sure there are more than a few spies, plants and shills here for both sides...funny thing is I got the same vague feeling from that article as you. Hard to believe anything these days IMO.

Maybe you guys have a chat and see where it goes.

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I will post a link to that account's rebuttal, if it creates one. Then readers can make up their own minds after reading my article and the Yuri account's rebuttal.

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You sound like you’re bitter and jealous, why are you desperately going through his account hoping to find something nefarious? I used to like your column but lately your writing seems to be deliberately courting controversy for likes. Seeing that his family fled China, I think it makes sense that he and his family are scared of the impending march of communism in the US. You sound jingoistic about China, I don’t think we should start any wars but I think you are ridiculous, China obviously has bad intentions with us, they aren’t buying all our farmland because they think it’s pretty. Just because the US has its own problems doesn’t make China some shining place.

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If anyone should "BEWARE" of anyone or anything on Substack, it's those who instruct others to "beware" of their own opinions. Your opinions are not any different than anyone else's, not in any way whatsoever.

It's clear from reading your posts that you have opinions about your own sciolism, but this is straightforward disinformation. What's your background in propaganda and psychological operations?

Nobody should hate China or the Chinese. It's the CCP that's hated and deservedly so! Anyone sucking up to the CCP is obviously suspect of being a Shill.

For the record the Logic of Language is self-evident. You're making a pro CCP argument FFS! The Yuri Bezmenov Substack is anti CCP.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

the larger narrative around China contains many contradictions.

in one sense, America has deemed China as an ideological/gobo-political threat. you see this mostly on issues like Taiwan and China’s interest and involvement with the BRICs coalition. it’s clear the neo-cons and more see China as the biggest competitor to American global hegemony.

however, our economy is incredibly reliant on cheap. plastic goods and labor to keep the proles satiated with budget tech and products. in other words, we can take some of the sting out of runaway inflation by putting a Dollar Store on every corner. as for diplomacy, just look at how we dealt with Chairman Xi when he visited San Fransisco. they cleaned up the city and bussed the riff-raff out in 48 hours! can you imagine doing something similar for say, Putin? Hell no!

my point is that we seem to be speaking out of both sides of our mouths about China and I can’t really grok what the hell is our actual position or if we really even have one. (my bet is prolly the latter). in many ways both countries seem to be slowly converging and resembling the same end game. China is basically a capitalistic country for creating wealth, with a communist style party control of their government and population. it seems the US is slowly adopting this model as well, where the elite seem to favor rule by managerial fiat, like modern China. this is why, when they say they are saving “democracy”, what they really mean is “saving our managerial rule and power”.

as for Yuri, I think I read somewhere that he is of Asian descent and perhaps he has a more personal distaste for the CCP? I dunno…

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Jun 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think you are wrong about Yuri.

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Well, that account is welcome to write a response, but so far it has been silent on the matter.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Well 2020 was HATE RUSSIA. Why not HATE CHINA in 2024?

After all they need somebody to hate on in election year. Keeps the sheeple distracted. And “truthers” distracted too.

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Your explanation is very repetitive and hinges on some faulty logic. Maybe you and Yuri should debate your argument of “caution with his account”. I personally believe you are wrong about him but I could be mistaken, admittedly. A public discussion and debate between you both would be very helpful here.

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The Yuri Bezmenov account is welcome to post a rebuttal on its site. I will then place the link at the bottom of my article as an update. Readers can read both articles, and make up their own minds.

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Seems fair. I’ll be curious to hear if he does. Assuming it’s a priority to his Substack. Might not be for various reasons that we can’t draw conclusions from I’d caution.

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I do not know as I do not know who runs the Yuri account, but that is not my concern. I never mind dissenting opinions, so if there is a rebuttal, I will make it available to all readers of my article. People can make up their own minds.

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Morg, are you aware of Colonel Qiao Liang’s book “Unrestricted Warfare”, in which he outlines the CCP’s ambitions to destroy the United States? They are interested in more than a multi-polar world order. They’re already at war with us; biological (Covid), chemical (Fentanyl), cultural (Hollywood subversion), economic (too much to list), and political (they own our politicians). They are going to win without having fired a shot. Our ruling class is too drunk with money and power to admit it.

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I'll check the book out, thanks. I have no illusions about China or any other country, for that matter. All of them act in their own interests, for their own reasons. It has always been that way and it always will be. But, for the time being, China is a necessary counter-weight to the power of the Neocons and the rest of inhabitants of the imperial capital in DC.

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Ooftah. That last sentence sounds a bit like a China/CCP Apologist. Be careful what you wish for in China/CCP acting as a counter-weight to US Hegemony. Sounds a bit like a False Dichotomy.

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Have you been asleep for the last 30 years? We have voted over and over again, yet the empire rolls on. Worse, it has turned inward with its repression and you think China is the big problem? The only way to limit the power of the people in DC is to remove the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and China is a necessary part of that process. There is no other way to bring real change to DC.

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I never said anything that you assert. I think us emulating CCP Subversion and Control of its citizens is dangerous. Are you implying the CCP hasn’t infiltrated the highest levels of our society, public and private?

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I imply nothing, nor do I care about infiltration or spying. All countries do that to each other. Even countries that are nominal allies spy on each like mad. Everybody wants information to benefit their country. So there is spying and infiltration happening everywhere, at all times.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I really like "ooftah" and will steal and use and give you no credit for it. Thanks. I don't agree however; US had unbridled power since the 80s and has become a vipers nest of corrupt corporations and foreign interest groups/ the militarised conglomerate - this is the danger of an absolute power (etc etc), multipolarity is curative (balance), hegemony is dangerous and the 34 trillion US debt which will sink the boat directly correlates to 800+ military bases, no oversight or audit on MIC and 3 Letter Agencies - causal in trying to run and control the world.

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Jun 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You make good points that many I just don’t agree with. Some I do. I also just think our remedies to the problems are different. And enjoy your new word.😆🙌🏼

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Thanks again Tony and, just in case, no fan of China - when the people have no power to change their government they are (sooner or later) in trouble. The pressing issue for the US (and the UK ) is uniparty/mono politics, we have democracy but it isn't representative.

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'Ooftah' isn't original. It's a Scandinavian expression.

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It’s “uff da” fyi. From a Scandinavian.

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America murdered over 4.5+ million of us in West Asia via the so-called 'Global War on Terror.' Said string of Wars & invasions also displaced over 40+ million of us over 2 decades. Modern China has never done anything *close.*

This is not a False Dichotomy. For us who live in the Civilized world, the choice is clear & the Evil Empire needs to be Crushed.

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How many Uyghur Muslims are currently in concentration camps (re-education camps) in the XinJiang region? How many Falun Gong prisoners being used as a renewable resource for organ harvesting? All this cheap labor. As bad as the US is, currently, China would be much worse. By a lot.

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I don't doubt that both those groups are oppressed, just as I don't doubt that the Chinese government is oppressive, given especially that its model of censorship and oppression is the one the West is now copying where corporations serve as the long arm of the state doing the majority of the work while giving the state some amount of deniability.

But you should be wary of claims regarding the Uighurs and Falun Gong, since those narratives originate among CIA operatives and (from what I recall) their Radio Free Asia publication in particular. Our focus should be on our own governments. They're the only ones we can have any influence on and that care what we think (to the extent they're forced to), while criticism of the designated enemies of the American demonology can only serve to beat the drums of war against them for the sake of neocon interests.


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The Epoch Times reports extensively on the Falun Gong persecution, and the Uyghurs to a lesser extent. Receipts and all. It may happen to agree with the neocons on the factuals, but with different motivations. (Your link, BTW, gave me a chuckle - the article is a mini-hitpiece on the accusers, calling them activists, aiming to decimate their credibility, but never refuting any of their claims - written by an activist… 🤔) I fully agree that we have plenty of problems here at home without looking for more conflict with other nations, but when I read comments by Americans calling for the downfall of America, I have to ask - do you think whatever replaces this Constitutional Republic (even though it currently exists in name only) will be any better? I think the beauty of our system is that it has the ability to self-correct. Any other system, we will have to shoot our way out of.

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The 🇨🇳CCP and The PLA🪖/PLAN⚓ are Chairman Xi’s Moaist/ Leninist/ Marxist muscle 🐲👹⛓️👁️ in the Middle Kingdom. I don't see Yuri B having a problem with the Chinese people or his own Chinese heritage. His problem IS communist collectivist ideology🪓 and on that point, he has my complete support! 🗽🦅👍🏼🇺🇲

Our NeoCons 🦏 are truly swamp creatures, 🐊🕷️🪳🐍 but your personal bias SEEMS to trend towards putinism. Lord, have mercy on us and.....

.....MAGA! (even if DJT is a yankee loud mouth😏)

Oh yeah, DRAIN the 🦇🦟🌴🦨🕸️🦂🦎 Swamp!

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