Jul 18Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

RFK Jr. Indicated he would be interested.

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An interesting possibility, but no way. He's a White male. "Diversity" will not tolerate a White male as the nominee.

Also, I heard earlier that RFK Junior is in Milwaukee today.

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We can only wonder who will take the unholy throne.

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You know who my money is on, Robert! The Queen of Lies, Cankles, the Pig in a Pantsuit, Thunder Thighs! Her time is almost here!

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Newsome, Michael Obama, or Camel Toe?

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My money's on Big Mike. i know it's a longshot but it makes too much sense in clown world for it not to be true. Bonus points if "she" comes out of the closet in the process.

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“According to (his) sources”, Biden will step down.

If true, then Democrats have just won the Presidency and likely the other two branches. Joe was the weak link and now that we’ve helpfully disposed of him, we are fucked.

Kamala polls ahead of Joe and Trump before even accounting for fraud. Our only hope was having the potato stick around until November. With him out of the way it’s open season on how they want to stage their celebration in November.

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Boy, you are on a doomer kick, Scott. Lighten up! 😂

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President rutabaga got 38% of the popular vote in 2020 Hillary might get 45%, 2024,

These numbers reflect the actual vote, not the stealing.

There’s no way the Democratic Party can win without stealing. President Trump got the most votes ever by a president in 2020. That’s just going to increase.

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He will be Kamala's running mate whether she likes it or not, so let's just have it from the source.

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Why not nominate Justin Trudeau? I mean he has banned Maxime Bernier from the national diet herein Canada, has banned most Quebec parties (namely nationalist ones) is popular with the left-wing of America, has been angling for a bigger job, has neutered Canada's economy and destroyed her manufacturing on orders of the Uniparty, has shown himself a devotee to their faith.

He's woke, he's diverse (every second week), is bonkers, has contempt for Europe & Quebec, hates his own people and what's more is always eager to break a country.

Sorry couldn't resist joking. Imagine if he did somehow run, it'd be the most hilarious debate, and I think Trump tearing into the king of sanctimony would be worth the cost of admission.

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You missed an awesome convention. I have watched a bit from last night and tonight. I have never watched before. It was surprisingly good.

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“I'm told by some of her people, I don't know that the vice president thinks this, but some of her people believe she will win this, that she'll choose a strong running mate, that she does have the support of many of the delegates who are Biden Harris delegates, and that she can win this basically on her own. At least one of her allies said to me, this is better, better to not be anointed by Joe Biden, better to show independence, better to show with a strong ticket, the capacity to win the nomination on her own.

HIGBIE: Well, Mark, that said, though, I mean, you're very familiar with campaign finance laws. He has, you know, $200 and 300 million in his war chest right now. I believe, in my understanding, is Kamala would be the only one who could absorb that and continue on the campaign.”

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Could this be the dawn… of the age… of B I G M I K E ! ?

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Kamala gets them within the margin of error in the necessary states. Fraud will do the rest. Democrats will end up in control of all three branches.

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