Send out the flesh-eating scarabs next time; bitches who mess with liches get stitches.

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HA HA HA!! Good one, man. Priceless! 👍🏻 😂

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

the block button is the best thing about Zuckerbook.

it took them a while to implement it here on substack, so there's a few folks remaining unblocked who should be. better late than never though

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you can always nail them later, if they rear their ugly heads.

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Jan 16Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Testing, testing.

Am I blocked?

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No. If you were, you would not be able to post a comment.

But wait, did you do something to warrant being blocked? Confess! Let's hear it! 😉

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Jan 16Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Some people have no sense of decency.

If I'm going to yank your chain, at least I do it with humor.

you do good work and I get a lot from reading it.

It also helps that we tend to agree on things.

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Thank you, Joseph, I appreciate it. 👍🏻

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