Jul 28, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Don't people who take care of marine animals in a zoo have to be, you know, qualified Marine Biologists?

Or are Marine biologists saying that it's natural for animals to display homosexual behavior that leads to death?

I am so tired of the Rainbow Brigade and their scumbaggery.

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The president of the aquarium has "credentials" but none of them had common sense and values, not even ethics. This crap went on for two months, until the smaller, weaker animal was dead.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

To say this is disturbing in an understatement. You hear about animals acting a bit "crazy" in captivity - understandably, since they're cooped up in cramped exhibits with what amount to cell-mates they can't get away from, even if they wanted to. I'm not someone who thinks all zoos are animal abuse and they do play their part in conservation and repopulation efforts, but even the most grandiose, sprawling habitat in a zoo is still no match for nature. No amount of "enrichment" can make up for freedom. I have little doubt this kind of "deviant behavior" in captive animals is due to these conditions.

I have a hunch similar conditions have similar effects on humans. No amount of enrichment (and I use that term lightly) - video games, social media, porn, so on and so forth - can serve as an adequate substitute for living in the real world.

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Yes, they knew it was mating season and did nothing to separate the two males. The smaller, weaker one had nowhere to go.

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Yeah, the proper response to this sort of deviant behavior is to take immediate steps to rectify it...not allow it to continue and then claim that it's "natural".

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

What the actual flying f@ck have we come to?

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Disgusting and depraved, but not unexpected. This is who and what these people are, and we should expect nothing more from them.

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They are the vomit of Hades.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

There are no words

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Prison gay gone wrong.

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