7 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Sounds like a lot of close calls! Glad you made it unscathed.

I used to accompany my husband when he was dashing and thankfully, he had very few instances with dogs. Only once did he ever really have a problem. The house he was delivering to had a chain link fence all the way around, including the front of the house. As my husband was opening the gate to go up the walk to the front porch, the customer opened his front door and his dog went running out barking. As my husband is trying to close the gate in front of him the guy yells, "He won't bite!" This is a total lie because the dog manages to scrape it's teeth along my husband's finger as he's trying to hold the gate closed so the dog can't get out to him. It all happened so fast I didn't even know what to do. It could have been much worse. I think any delivery service should have somewhere where drivers can leave notes about a customer in cases where they have dogs but don't keep them under control.

The only dog I can really remember being afraid of was my cousin’s dog. I think it was a chow chow, but it was so many years ago I can't really remember. She always had to be present if you went out to the backyard because that dog was mean.

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What you just said has happened to many delivery drivers. One of the most dangerous moments a driver can face is if a customer opens the door as the package is being put down. Dogs will sometimes charge out at the delivery driver, and some will bite before the owner is even aware of what is happening.

I do NOT like it when someone opens a door during a delivery. Stay in the house and let the driver finish the delivery, then pick the package up after he is back in his vehicle. In my case, I have Sting with me and so if I am charged, the dog is going to get zapped if he attempts to come within bite range. Multiple dogs will receive Sting and pepper spray, and if I am forced to it, the undisclosed tool.

Thank you for your kind words, we do go through a lot sometimes just to bring people their packages. I am sorry to hear about what happened to your husband, but it is typical, alas. Many drivers have been bitten right after a dog owner says "he'll just lick you to death." This is why I do not leave my vehicle with loose dogs around. The package is dumped wherever I can put it, out the window of my vehicle or out a door or however I can do it. The customer can pick it up in the driveway if they have to do so.

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Great essay! I like that you changed things up a bit and shared some of your other life experiences with us. I used to take insurance policy pictures for State Farm, I never got attacked by a dog, thankfully. It was always a little nerve wracking showing up at a person’s house on a cold call. I respect your dogged, pardon the pun, professionalism. It would be tough to remain polite and professional in such circumstances.

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Thank you for your service.

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I certainly feel for delivery peeps and what they have to put up with. I just make sure I’m home, thank them and usually tip a five (I know it’s not much but it’s given with gratitude).

Our mailman didn’t even know I had a dog for weeks until he saw us out walking. My pooch sleeps behind the door so the mail drops on him and wakes him up. Still doesn’t bark.

Min-Pins are the worst for attitude and viciousness. I’ve had them come at me in my own backyard and bite at my jeans. Told the owner I’d punt them into next week with him following if he didn’t control those little fuckers.

Chihuahuas are the next.

I really don’t like small dogs.

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Congrats on your dogged persistence in the face of canine chompers. If you ask me, either control your dogs, or walk out to the property line for the packages. If it's allowed, a little door for the delivvery guy to get under.

Especially in the post-pandemic everything-by-delivery world, taking care of the delivery guys is a big deal.

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I work in utilities. Don't get me started on dogs lol. A coworker stuck on a pole had to call the police one time because two dogs were circling the pole. I was working storm damage recently in an alley late at night. I had to get some tools out of a bin. As soon as I opened the door, two pit bulls jumped at the fence behind me in the frenzied way that only pit bulls do. Yeah fun times.

I'm glad you've remained unscathed in your "adventures." Good tools that you've adopted; Sting is badass. My employer would frown greatly upon Sting. I'm pushing it with a 3" spring knife but then again a line hammer fixes a lot of ills.

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Great story

Now I’m dying to know the nature of the undisclosed weapon. I’m going to guess a bladed weapon rather than a firearm. Maybe a krambit bc they’re cooler than traditional knives. You don’t need to answer.

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I'm putting this one in the "must read" queue for later. I'm positive that it'll be worthwhile. Just sayin' because I might get distracted by the time I remember to and didn't acknowledge that I read it with a like or commentary. ✌️

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Dogs bite only the bad people.

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🤨 🙄

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Guess I’m one of the bad ones. One of the most painful injuries I ever had was a dog bite to the hand. A close friend ended up being hospitalized and nearly dying. I was sent to her house to get her show dogs, ankle biter types. They had been cooped up for several days and had run out of food and water. It was chaos trying to catch them, and one bit the shit out of my hand. I got a rabies shot to boot.

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