Also, research when the word holocaust was fabricated. In the 70s. Read the memoirs of Roosevelt, Churchill, and de Gaulle. You won't find a single time: Holocaust. Isn't it remarkable?

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Not remarkable at all:

In fact it makes perfect sense!

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When examined in detail, it is clear that the zionists have been using the Holocaust as the model for Oppression of Palestinians from the start. I wrote about it a few months ago here.


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May 16Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Holocaust sounds about right. The systemic murder of people trapped where they can't escape by an armed force of people who, up until 40 years ago, were neighbors.

I remember reading stories written by Jews who lived in Gaza, who were friends with Palestinians, and who lived right next door.

It's sad when a bunch of Europeans change religions, move into the neighborhood and start fighting.

That's what's happening, considering that almost everyone in the Middle East can trace their roots back to one of Israel's twelve tribes.

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May 16Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I've been using Gazacaust. Get's the point across and effective rhetoric.

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Now is a good time to admit I am a fed.

Fed the fuck up with 50+ years of murder n' shit.

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Israel’s Final Solution.

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I totally approve of the least of the words of this clarification, this semantic adjustment!

The term Holocaust was fraudulently devoted exclusively to the abuses committed by the Third German Reich against European Jewish populations during the Second World War.

It is already insulting to the millions of non-Jewish voctimes of the conflict, stressing the exclusive character of the sufferings of the Jewish «people».

Moreover, it is difficult to conceive, through the examples offered by history, of a “successful” example of genocide that would have resulted in the total extinction of a population… failures not related to the exterminating will of its executors but to the difficulties, say, «technical» of the…mission.

However, the term holocaust implies a religious connotation that is lacking when talking about the extermination of Palestinians that evokes more, a campaign of… purification, disinsectisation, physical cleaning, on an industrial scale.

Let us be honest and therefore recognize that we are witnessing an attempt of Genocide [last wish hardly attainable] but which, in the end will be only a monumental holocaust, a gigantic human autodafé, thrown without remorse or scruples, in the face of a world complicit in the midst of a moral disaster….

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What about Egypt? Any guess why everyone isn’t crying a river about why another Arab nation won’t accept refugees?

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It’s wild to read about the combat in Gaza. It’s so eerily similar to how the Warsaw Ghetto was liquidated, house to house fighting, tunnels being flooded, etc.

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May 16·edited May 16

I'm not sure about that. I've never liked the appropriation of the word holocaust to describe a genocide in the first place. It used to be a perfectly good word, meaning sacrifice or mass destruction by fire.

Trying to turn leftist abuses of language around on them already cedes ground by accepting their redefinition, ala "the left are the real racists." It's never been a winning move.

And sure, maybe the word holocaust is a century lost and the new meaning is too sticky. There may be no way we get it back to its original, useful, meaning. But that doesn't mean it's going to be useful to us in the same capacity it was to them. Play lefty games, win lefty prizes.

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Gaza played a stupid game and won stupid prizes.

I'm surprised to see so many altright goons gaza-cucked on this issue just to get some JQ points.

Go protest with your university friends if you have a problem with invading gaza, better yet go join hamas blow yourselves up over it!

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In the Old Testament, the term "Holocaust" refers to a burnt offering, a type of sacrifice in which the entire animal (or sometimes humans, such as in Genesis 22, Judges 11, etc.) is consumed by fire. It is mentioned in several books of the Old Testament, including Leviticus and Exodus, where specific instructions for these sacrifices are given. This practice was key to the religious life of the Jewish people in the Old Testament. The Jewish people conducted these burnt offerings as acts of worship and demonstrations of devotion and obedience.

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RemovedMay 16
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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

In the Old Testament, the term "Holocaust" refers to a burnt offering, a type of sacrifice in which the entire animal (or sometimes humans, such as in Genesis 22, Judges 11, etc.) is consumed by fire. It is mentioned in several books of the Old Testament, including Leviticus and Exodus, where specific instructions for these sacrifices are given. This practice was key to the religious life of the Jewish people in the Old Testament. The Jewish people conducted these burnt offerings as acts of worship and demonstrations of devotion and obedience.

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This is correct. “Holocaust” is the Western Word for the anti-Jewish genocide of the 1940’s. Jews don’t even use the term, preferring *Shoah*, which is Hebrew for “calamity”. The Nazis called it *Einlosung der Judefrage*.

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Thanks for the reply!

But while many Jewish people do use the word "Shoah," the word "Holocaust" is also widely used by Jews, typically in English speaking usages and especially amongst American Jews. It's incorrect to say that the Jews "don’t even use the term" at all.

And you had a typo re the Germans, it would be "Endlösung der Judenfrage", or, in English, "Final Solution to the Jewish Question."

Have a great Thursday night!

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RemovedMay 16
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One man's terrorist is another man's patriot defending his land against colonizers from Europe. So much depends on who you view as the rightful owner of the land.

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Damn, the country that sunk the Liberty and gunned down US soldiers trying to swim away...calling others terrorists? Geeze.

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