There will never be peace between the Palestinians and Israelis
Take the black pill on Israel versus Palestine; there is no peaceful solution
I noted in an earlier post that I do not care about Israel or Ukraine.
However, in this post, I want to zero in on the Israel versus Palestine situation from a different perspective than what you are used to reading. Most articles take one side or the other, but I will take neither. Moreover, I shall explain here why there will never be peace in that land until one side or the other loses.
Two peoples who want the same land
In Israel and Palestine, you have two separate and distinct peoples who want sole control over that land. And within each people, there are extremists who refuse any attempt to share the land, thus preventing a two-state solution.
Regarding the vaunted “two-state” solution, I just roll my eyes now when somebody brings it up. I have heard people babbling about it endlessly for the last 40 years, and nobody has gotten close to making it a reality for the reasons I listed above.
Even now, I am hearing that the US is pushing the two-state solution AGAIN. Does anybody think it’s going to turn out differently this time? Can the pedophile-in-chief convince Netanyahu to actually allow the Palestinians to have their own state? And will the Palestinians themselves accept it? I doubt it.
There have been many attempts at peace over the years, but none have succeeded. Every attempt has been sabotaged or undermined by the extremists in both societies. Unfortunately, no one has found a way to remove the influence of the extremists. Such interference in any kind of peace process will continue on both sides.
So the violence, murder, and bloodshed will simply go on. There will be times when it dies down for a while, but the scheming to get control over all of that land is never-ending, and neither side will ever truly accept the other.
Could a peace be forced on Palestine and Israel?
But what about an outside force? Or a combination of outside forces? Could such an arrangement force peace in both societies? No, I do not think so, because any outside force or combination of forces that were sent into Palestine and Israel would quickly become a target for violence by extremists on both sides.
And who would want to send their forces to die in such a situation? The Globalist American Empire? Russia? China? India? Somebody else? No, none of them. Everybody knows how bad the situation is, especially after the events of the last few months. Can you imagine what would happen in such countries when their soldiers started coming back in coffins?
Moreover, could any outside forces that were sent to maintain peace discharge such a duty in an even-handed way that was fair to both sides? I doubt it, especially if the GAE is involved, given how much it tilts in favor of Israel. Any force or combination of forces is likely to tilt in one direction or the other.
Tribal conflicts outside of Israel and Palestine
You don’t even have to take into account the actual violence happening between Palestine and Israel; you just have to look at the reactions in other countries to the violence and conflict. There is not even a consensus among other countries as to who is right or wrong, and how a peace plan could be put into place that works for both sides.
In the West, it has become a tribal thing, with most of the right supporting Israel, and the left supporting the Palestinians. The political conflict in the West is notable also because of the charge of “antisemitism” being flung at anybody who doesn’t support Israel, including non-Zionist Jews. This is absurd, of course, but then so is most of the discourse in the West around this issue.
And all the usual culture-war baggage gets added on top of the arguments about Israel versus Palestine. So the entire “debate” has become a shrill screaming match, with each side flinging atrocity porn all over social media in an attempt to discredit the other side. Worse, it is an election year in the GAE, so there is a great deal of election-related bullshit being injected into the debate about Israel and Palestine.
So how does the Palestine versus Israel conflict end?
I believe that eventually one side will win, and the other side will lose. It has happened many times in human history, and will continue to happen as long as human beings live on this planet.
But what does that look like on the ground?
If you look at what Israel is doing, they are attempting to make Gaza uninhabitable by destroying its entire infrastructure. This is an attempt to force the Palestinians out of Gaza. In the West Bank, Israel is slowly but surely adding settlements to try to squeeze the Palestinians out of that land too.
So Israel is playing a long-term game of removing the Palestinians in both places, and ultimately taking all the land for “Greater Israel.” However, the Palestinians are no pushovers and have resisted fiercely in Gaza and, to a lesser degree, in the West Bank.
If the Israelis are successful in forcing out the Palestinians in both places, then the land becomes theirs for the foreseeable future. But if they fail, then the conflict goes on for many more years with no end in sight.
Don’t write off the Palestinians, either. Theirs is a strategy of surviving and remaining on their land. Above all else, they know that they must stay there because if they are forced out, they will never be allowed to return.
A wider war in the Middle East
None of this takes into account what will happen if the neocons in the GAE get their wish to have a war with Iran. Such a war would open the door for many things to happen in the Middle East that could undermine and destroy the Israeli state completely. Israel is already having a hard time in Gaza, but what would happen to the Israeli state in a direct war with Iran?
For the Palestinians, a wider war could be helpful. They are vastly outgunned by the Israeli military’s planes and tanks. But imagine what happens when those military assets start to be targeted by Iranian ballistic missiles and drones. Suddenly, the playing field could become much more level, far quicker than anyone might have predicted before a wider war began.
A wider war might would also be wildly unpredictable, with unforeseen consequences for the entire region. Recent events such as the killing of GAE soldiers in Syria could facilitate such a conflict, and once it is let loose, there is no way to know if it would benefit the Palestinians, the Israelis, or neither of them.
The potential for destruction in the region is so large that sane people should hope that it doesn’t happen. That, of course, does not include the idiot neocons who are in Biden’s government, and who have wanted war with Iran for many years. If they get what they want, millions could die in their war.
I will say this also about the GAE’s involvement in a wider war: the neocons still do not understand that this is not the 1990s. That was the high-water mark for their empire’s power, but things have changed considerably. Ballistic missile and drone technologies have changed warfare and democratized it in a way that did not exist in the 1990s.
The GAE’s military is also much weaker now than in the 1990s. The anti-White male hatred and discrimination pushed by the GAE’s government and other institutions have driven out the White warrior class that was the backbone of its military. Now, the GAE cannot recruit enough White soldiers to fight an effective war on the ground in the Middle East or elsewhere.
The emotions of outsiders won’t change the outcome
I know that some of you reading this might be passionately on one side or the other. Fine, but understand that you have no power whatsoever to truly affect what is happening on the ground between Palestine and Israel.
No matter what happens and which side eventually wins, events will play out as they will, with little to no ability for people outside the Middle East to directly affect the outcome. Even those with real power only have a limited ability to influence events between Israel and Palestine.
So I encourage everybody on both sides to realize this, and to take a more Stoic attitude toward all of it. What is going to happen is going to happen, regardless of the emotions of individuals around the world. That is a hard thing to accept, but it is true.
The conflict between the peoples of Palestine and Israel will not be resolved peacefully. Both peoples lay claim to that land, but, in the end, the land itself is likely to claim many or perhaps even all of them.
Does all of this sound like a black pill to you? Maybe it is, but I can only go on what I’ve seen for so many years. Nothing and nobody has ever come close to putting an end to this conflict.
Time will tell.
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All accurate, however you missed one impossibility. A one state solution. It might seem ridiculous to bring up, but there are those (usually ourside of the region) who still support it. The problem is that the Palestinian's would only accept that solution with a "right of return" and full citizenship for all Palestinians. That would make quick demographic end to a Jewish controlled state and the Jews know this. So, that idea is a non-starter as well.
I have to agree that the violence in Palestine (I refuse to call it Israel as that name has only been pseudo-legally applied since 1948) will not end until one side has been completely ejected from the land. and honestly, the violence will likely continue until one of the two governments involved manages to complete the genocide of their opponents that both have publicly announced is their end goal. I know if my family had held title to land for hundreds of years until it was somehow "given" by the UN to moneyed-class invaders and I was ejected by military on their behalf that I'd be likely to find a way to retaliate.