The real fun is second order.

Any government contractor or recipient of federal largesse has to follow federal rules. Given how nearly every major US corporation is a government contractor, and most small businesses rely on SBA loans to get off the ground, and all but a few universities depend on federal student loans, this is a super double plus big deal.

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Excellent point! It's going to have a huge snowball effect. 😊

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Going to have a huge snowflake effect too, LOL!

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I'm sorry if I did not remember correctly. Were you not predicting just a couple of weeks ago, that he was going to screw us over? The transition program was kept secret this time around; Since the first transition was a cluster-fuck. Beware of the Black Pill my friend

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I asked the question: Is he going to screw over the J6ers? That was a legitimate question, given his behavior in the first term. My commentary there was based on comments made by JD Vance. But did you not note my commentary in the article about Trump 2.0? He has learned to stand by his people.

I believe it was the persecution he went through over the last 4 years that burned that lesson into his head. He knows now what it is to have the power of the federal government turned against you, and he understands what the J6ers went through on his behalf.

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This has been a LONG time coming for me. It's a little late, since I'm retiring in a few months, but I'm glad to see it. I do have stepsons, after all.

I can't even tell you how many jobs I didn't get, or promotions I was denied in favor of DEI hires. It was so bad Black women told me--on multiple occasions--how much they'd rather have me, the older white guy who knows the job backwards and forwards, for a supervisor than that (expletive deleted) that nobody respects who was selected.

So I got respect from my coworkers, but little recognition from my so-called superiors. FOR OVER 40 YEARS. Hopefully younger people who look like me will be able to enjoy both once again.

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I cannot wait for this wholesale deconstruction of woke to cross the Atlantic and watch it happening here. As it inevitably will. The difference is that it will be dressed up in euphemisms and obscurantist language by our duplicitous overlords, and sadly it will probably take a lot longer. European societies are a lot less dynamic in that way than the USA. But...happen it will, and it is a delicious prospect !

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Same, I hope it's torn asunder, as I'm hoping to move over there and never come back to Canada.

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I really hope this extends to the vassals, I'd like to find work in Scotland or Ireland specifically, teaching in the countryside or in the south of France.

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Scotland and Ireland are totally smothered under the gaseous, unfeasibly obese, stinking, butt-cheeks of woke, along with being bloody cold, windy, and wet, with high prices and taxes. The South of France is your best bet. You probably won't meet any natives either way, but at least in France, all the migrants passing through would pay to learn English.

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Well the parts I’m looking at are the Gaelic ones, and Scotland is 93% Scottish natives so not that many foreigners, most of them are down in England.

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I wonder how long it will take to purge the poison. There are millions of substandard employees positioned everywhere. And B or C managers won’t be hiring A’s. What a mess. United has a pipeline on highly melanated pilots . A pilot flies for what? 30+ years.

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Yes! Finally, the beginning of the end of one of the dumbest policies that has harmed so many people, myself and family included. Oh, the stories we can tell when they tried to take the meritocracy out of America.

They made MLK,Jr’s dream a mockery when we already have laws to protect everyone against discrimination (14th Amendment and Civil Rights Act). Soon, hopefully the states still practicing this madness (like the gay man in a dress representing DE) dry up in federal funds but we still have a long way to go because they Destroyed so much in their path: https://open.substack.com/pub/lizlasorte/p/a-few-federal-faces-of-dei-what-happens?r=76q58&utm_medium=ios

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DEI = Disastrous Entryism of Ideologues.

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