Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Option D: nobody hacked Trump. Somebody in his campaign team leaked the emails.

Just like the DNC emails were leaked by an insider and it was used as material to prop up Russia Russia Russia.

The new eternal enemy is Iran. Because the proxy war with Russia isn't going so well and we need to shift focus. And because Bibi has had a bubug up his bubutt about Iran for 40 f'ing years.

Therefore everything that happens is going to be blamed on... Iran. In hopes of drumming up popular enthusiasm for a war with Iran.

The fact that Trump is being staged as the victim of Iranian "hacking", and he's doing his best imitation of John McCain over it, is extremely troubling.

Looks to me like Trump is Their Guy now.

edit: *in b4 'you're an Iranian bot!'

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Yep I agree, no electable good choices, typical election.

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I find myself in the same dilemma as I was in before: speed bump Trump and a chance to prepare better for collapse vs. getting it over with already and hopefully living to see the other side. Only now Trump is starting to look more like a different kind of bandaid rip. But this is academic, since the state I'm in is locked blue and there's no point in voting.

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I actually am in a swing state, but if Trump is going to be a mouthpiece for Israel propaganda just like the quarter black bimbo puppet, and RFK Jr., why bother? I suppose I might vote down ticket to get a less gun grabbey sheriff in, and otherwise not bother.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Clearly the establishment/deep state/Jews want WWIII on behalf of Israel, the question is why? Don't they realize it will diminish their standard of living too?

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Aug 10Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

As soon as I read the first paragraph for two, but Iran responsible for this hacking has bullshit written all over it. We all know who the guilty party was.

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Aug 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Iran can't stop us from hacking their electrical system. So, no, I don't think Iran did it. I think the NSA/CIA/FBI did it.

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Aug 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Iranians hate us for our freedums.

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Why would Iran care about hacking campaigns? And do they have the technique/skills to do it? Not trying to insult them, just that I don't know, it'd be one thing to say China or Russia could but Iran? And why war with the middle-east? What's the point when the US lost the last war, and pretty badly too.

These people must be insane to keep doing the same thing over and over again only to hope for a different result.

And I wonder how many will jump into the military for Trump, if he pushes this conflict? If so, I mean no offence I can't see the EU which already dislikes him following him, nor can I see the wholly disinterested Japan doing so. Not sure about Canada.

As it is, it might be that the US goes it alone? Not sure. It might not. Iran is also a non-threat to the US, I don't understand the logic of squabbling with it. Why even take interest in the region? Israel is there sure, but they're interests don't intersect with any of those in Europe, or Asia so why bother helping them or sacrificing everything for them?

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