White males: Stick together!
White males need to support and care for one another in a society that hates them and vilifies them at every opportunity. Stick together, guys!
Why don’t White males stick together?
Have you noticed how other groups such as Blacks, Asians, Jews, Hispanics and Latinos stick together in the Globalist American Empire? They see nothing wrong with identifying with their group, voting with their group, and generally sticking together to help other members of their group survive and thrive.
Yet White males don’t tend to do this. Why? Is it because White males were the dominant group in Western countries for so long, and perhaps such social cohesion wasn’t necessary for them to survive? This might have been the case many years ago, but it certainly isn’t now with Discrimination, Theft and Exclusion in full swing inside the empire.
Or perhaps it is because White males are still stuck in pre-existing ethnicities such as German, French, English, Italian, etc. and therefore consider themselves different from each other? If so, then that suggests too many White males are trapped in the past and aren’t dealing with reality inside the Globalist American Empire.
I am not sure if it’s a single thing, but perhaps it is a combination of what I’ve listed above that keeps White males apart from each other?
Start looking out for each other, White males
Perhaps it isn’t necessary to answer those questions. What is necessary, however, is for White males to change their attitudes toward each other.
Forget the idiotic boomer bootstrap nonsense, guys. The idea that you are going to make it as a loner with no connections by simply walking into a business and introducing yourself is an idea from 50 years ago. Only the boomers still buy into that bullshit because many of them are trapped in their own pasts and don’t realize how much things have changed.
Networking and connecting are critical if you want to survive and get ahead in a country whose institutions, government and media actively hate you. This means that you should try to foster connections with other White males for business purposes as well as friendships.
And if you are a White male in a management position in a business, you should try to hire and mentor other White males. Do not think for a second that if you hire and mentor "diversity,” you will be forgiven for being a White male. You are White, and you are therefore evil by default, so you might as well try to help out younger White males who are just starting out if you are a White male in a position to help them.
Stick together and survive, White males
White males are bombarded by non-stop propaganda telling them that they are the scum of the earth. The end result of that has been that the White male suicide rate is the highest of any group in the country, and that is a deliberate result of the non-stop hate being spewed by the government, media, indoctrination centers (schools, colleges), and corporations.
So start learning to stick together, guys. Check in with your White male friends, see how they are doing, and help each other in any way that you can. Learn the lessons that other groups have to teach about sticking together to survive.
Nobody is coming to save you, so you must learn to save each other.
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I get where you're coming from, but I'll always be French, and can't keep from considering myself as such. My people are those who speak French, and follow her culture.
But that said, I extend my friendship to all those who share my faith, or most Western cultural mores and beliefs, and are Christian, Buddhist or Shintoist.
As to networking, very important and good advice Morgthorak definitely important to keep doing that. It's why I've structure my stack the way I have; around English, Japanese, Scottish & French cultures as these are my faves and those I intend to support and focus on.