I get where you're coming from, but I'll always be French, and can't keep from considering myself as such. My people are those who speak French, and follow her culture.

But that said, I extend my friendship to all those who share my faith, or most Western cultural mores and beliefs, and are Christian, Buddhist or Shintoist.

As to networking, very important and good advice Morgthorak definitely important to keep doing that. It's why I've structure my stack the way I have; around English, Japanese, Scottish & French cultures as these are my faves and those I intend to support and focus on.

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Jan 7Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You can and should retain your sense of ethnic particularism, but GloboHomo is a force dedicated to the extermination of all people of European ancestry. It is a common enemy whether one is French or English, Russian or Italian, Yankee or Southerner, Australian or Canadian. They don't view any of them as having any meaningful distinctions.

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Very true, could not agree more. It is why I extend friendship towards all Germans, Scots, English, Americans and Irish and so on, and insist they retain their particular culture and what not. They must if they are to preserve the best that they have against the onslaughts of globostupid.

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deletedJan 6
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What’s wrong with helping your extended family ?

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deletedJan 6
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Family is relationship based on blood. Others are friends, associates, acquaintances etc.

Excluded are traitors and enemies

This is in reference to the essay

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deletedJan 7
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As I pointed out, my comment was in reference to the essay.

Israel is a poor example of blood and spirit since a significant portion of the population are atheists - blood is the significant factor in Right of Return

Morgtharok put in print a nice bit of truth

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