Feb 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Trump is facing multiple criminal prosecutions, and 91 counts of criminal misconduct. He only needs to be convicted on one to be sent to prison. If that happens early enough, then she would become the default republican candidate. Why wouldn’t she stay in?

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Yes, she would, and the republicans would suffer a historic loss. A big chunk of the republican base would stay home or vote for any third party candidates available.

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Feb 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

And she would write a memoir, and get a TV job, and board positions.

It's a win for her, maybe more so than if she were elected.

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Feb 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

This is the plan but I think the establishment should be careful what they wish for. "Lawfaring" Trump out of the election will once and finally break any illusion that the US is still a democracy at all. There may not be immediate civil war but the republic will begin to break apart - hell it already is and that will just make it happen faster.

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Feb 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I don't see many populist oriented Republicans voting for her. I certainly wouldn't, regardless of the impact. She is building a war chest she can use later and she's already too toxic to join a Republican Cabinet. If Vivek is Trump's VP, or Tucker for that matter, she will be absolutely shut out. Bottom line, she's got nothing left to lose.

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Good points, it would not surprise me if she ran for Graham's senate seat after the fat pedophile breathes his last. She would have a massive amount of money on hand for a senate race.

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Mar 1Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

So much of her support is from Never-Trumpers and registered Democrats, she might try that (and plenty of 1000 dollar and hour consultants will push for it), but I don't see anyone rallying around her for the gay warmonger's seat. She was absolutely instrumental in getting Boeing (I am a former Boeing pilot) to SC and she could easily get on a Board position there or elsewhere. All the MIC have Executive VP's in charge of "congressional liaison" aka Lobbying that pays a huge salary and has unbelievable perks. Nobody invites those types on the Sunday shows though and I think she is addicted to the attention that elected office brings.

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Feb 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

A columnist I follow, Erick Erickson, wrote this about the Michigan Republican primary results: “While Donald Trump decisively won the GOP primary, Nikki Haley won more than 1 in 4 Republican voters. The result was that Trump was yet again kept beneath 70% by an opponent who is all but running a symbolic campaign.” Erick Erickson is not a fan of Donald Trump, but he’s not enthusiastic about Haley, either. He wanted Ron DeSantis. I like your article. Still I can only think of bad reasons why she’s staying in the race. After all, the Koch brothers have pulled their financial support and Mitch McConnell announced his intention to step down as Senate GOP leader.

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Feb 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

His name is Robert Paulson, her name is Nimarata Haley

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

She is still getting money so it looks like Trump is not so popular, and so she can keep repeating Trump can't win the general election.

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Feb 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

For me, in Europe, it’s interesting to read about what is happening now. Thank you for bring some clarity in what looks to me like a tangled web.

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Oh it's tangled, Joyce. Tons of scheming and plotting going on in the background. Game of Thrones in the imperial capital of DC. That whole place runs on lies, backstabbing, and treachery.

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Feb 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

In other words a snake pit. Never trust a politician. Promise much, do little, keeps the voters happy, paraphrasing a saying 🙄🙈

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What galls me is that they lie even when they don't need to, they just lie, lie, lie all the time. 🙄

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It’s ingrained Morg.

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Trump does not forfeit his bid as president if he goes to prison. In fact, most Constitutionalists believe he can run his campaign and the country from prison if it comes to that.

Don’t be fooled. The powers that be are betting on people believing the opposite. It’s time for we the people to make a statement. It’s time to show the elites whose county it is again.

Electing Trump will be the biggest middle finger we the people can give to the swamp and corporate America. Trump wasn’t my first choice but, he’s the only choice now, as far as I’m concerned, and if you truly care about your country, you should consider giving Trump your vote too.

- Wide Awake

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I agree that people should vote for him, regardless of what the Deep State does. But temper your expectations, given his failures from the first term.

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Feb 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Oh I’m tempered Dead…still waiting for Trump to “eat crow” on his beloved vaccine. I’m well aware he was a democrat most of his life but then again, so was Reagan.

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If Haley becomes the GOP front runner for President, I'm not going to vote.

I won't dignify this stupid woman with my vote.

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RemovedFeb 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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You got that right, bud!

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RemovedFeb 29
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Yes, I just answered you. I just got back from a delivery run a few minutes ago. Going to lay on the couc and relax for a while until I feel chill.

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