Apr 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead


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and here I was stuck on the old American usage of "faggot" as "arm sized stick of firewood" and "fag" as the British slang for cigarette.

good to have a third defintion for the lexicon

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I didn't know anything about meatballs and the use of that word. I had to look it up because I didn't understand the meme at all at first.

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Yup, I can confirm that Brains faggots (Brains being a maker's name, not an ingredient LOL) have been a popular item here since I was a kid, and that is a long time ! And people still call a cigarette a fag :) :). Was it Wilde who said "..two nations divided by a common language"? Great selection by the way.

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Apr 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

lol I googled “what do the British call meatballs?” And then I looked at the meme again and laughed

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I had to look it up too, don't feel bad. The British are so weird sometimes. 😂

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I can only imagine ordering a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in British English at an Italian restaurant from a flamboyant waiter in San Francisco

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And finish off the meal with some Spotted Dick.

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I gotta say that Huskie video was really awesome and wholesome, as to laptop class vs physical, I'll be honest I've worked and enjoyed working Housekeeping yet am heading out to teach. I'm probably more part of the laptop class, but I dislike pcs and tech and like the countryside more and am unable to fit into the laptop class. I wonder what that makes me? Likely someone who doesn't fit in either.

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I hear that. I use a computer to drive my living, so supposedly I would be laptop class, but as someone moving into selling physical paper cuts designed on a computer and cut into something real, and living isolated as a wilderness hermit, my laptop class is different than most people's laptop class, lol.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You are of course correct about the facts on the ground, Russia would massacre NATO. The thing that worries me is that war is often made by ideologues like neo-cons who aren't left brain enough to deal with physical reality like troops on the ground. Ungrounded ideologues are always dangerous, like the commies (the neo-con worldview originated from Trotskyism) passion for misguided causes can cause millions of people to die. I just pray they have some general who reads them the riot act to wake them up from their ideological stupor.

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Apr 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The 'undead' you posted is the avatar of Remliez of 40K Theories. Intended to be an Inquisitor with a Adeptus Mechanicus bent, of his self styled Ordo 'Theoreticus'.

It is very recognizable, as his videos are a staple of 40K content on youtube. I do not recommend poking the fans of the theory dinosaur by swiping it.

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Thank you, I never saw it or heard of it before, but it is great art.

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Thank you as one less place to spend time on . You have joined the great falling away as the nations and its people will come against Jerusalem and Jesus will cast them all into the eternal sauna. You know not how serious it is what you play with.

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Okay, thanks. Have a good day.

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Apr 6Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Psst buddie the Scofield bible is heresy, ask the orginal Christians the Eastern Orthodox if you don't believe me.

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When will the French ever learn? Every colony they've ever settled has kicked them out.

Vietnam, Africa, etc. They haven't won a war since they were led by Napoleon.

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Morgothrak, what’s the problem with the Arabs and the Jews killing each other? The more the merrier - why should we care?

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Humans have no soul, it’s just wishful thinking from the Jesus nuts.

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NATO/Axis failing states can't attack Russia b/c they're inveterate cowards. Plus they're too busy ticking all the culture-destroying 'woke' boxes.

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You were part of the laptop class. A long time ago. In a galaxy far far away, when you still lived and was not…………….UNDEAD!!

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You seem to ignore that on principle, as documented in the Koran and their other literature, Muslims including most Palestinians, are committed to ruling or eliminating all infidels, Jews especially. This makes negotiating with them for peace plans difficult to say the least.

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