Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I'm not disappointed they have a serious lack of brainpower. If they did not they would have picked the one case that had the best chance of success and then acted all professional and serious about it. They would message it for all it's worth to make it seem like he did one serious bad thing. Luckily they have put on a bunch of in your face clown shows instead. It's enough to make people who don't even follow news or politics skeptical.

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True, you really have to be a brainwashed drone to believe the bullshit. But there are people like that out there. Trump is the devil to them, no matter what.

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Mar 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

It seems that the Supreme Court has just a well as said that there was no insurrection on Jan 6th.

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I haven't read the text of the decision, but that is an interesting point to infer from it.

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On e the magic word “Insurrection” was memed, Getting Trump ny any means necessary became fully acceptable. Legality and unintended consequences never play a role in their Millenarian thinking.

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Perhaps they want Trump as the candidate, knowing the visceral hatred many Americans have for him? There are people who wouldn’t vote for him if he ran unopposed and he motivates people to get out and vote like no other candidate ever has. It’s going to be an interesting election this year…

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Mar 5Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Most of those that have that amount of hatred for Trump, people that are willing to have another 4 years of no border, lies, falling up steps, high inflation, not being able to string 3 words together on and on have far worse mental problems than Biden and were never going to vote for Trump or any other Republican anyway. I have inlaws like that. They cry like a new born on prices and how things have skyrocketed in last 3 years but still their hatred for Trump overrides their finances. They are the type of people that stick their hand in a lawn mower to see if its running.

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Likely they watch or listen to regime media. People like that can't be reached as the brainwashing has been going on for years.

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