Mar 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Thank you for the insight, Morg. I'm still trying to navigate how to even get STARTED (!)...Maybe it was the stupid time-change thing, but last morning I was about to *finally* break down and at least test, but something said there was maintenance, I believe, something to that effect. Too early/late to fool with it now, but just didn't know if anyone else experienced trouble in the wee hours of Sunnasdaeg morn? I'm ready to begin, but I'm very new to this, and would like guidance and no exploitation by bad actors...just sayin', it happens, ya know. Thank you, I appreciate your Work, Morg. BGood or BGood at it ;-)

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Mar 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

A lot of us had that ‘maintenance’ problem. Take it easy, Morg’s explanation is quite clear.

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You are very welcome, I hope it help you. No worries on starting, just jump in. You'll get used to all the knobs and buttons in the Settings page the more you use it.

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Mar 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Oh thank you Morg, excellent tip 👍

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You are most welcome, Joyce. You were one of the people I was thinking of when I wrote the post. I hope it helps you and others to succeed in building a big base of paying subscribers.

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RemovedMar 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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You are most welcome, fren! I hope it helps you get more paid subs. It's one of those little tidbits that is easy to miss in the controls. I only noticed it the other day.

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RemovedMar 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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Great, good for you. I think it's helpful to give people a deal as many people can't afford full price subs. So it works out well for the writer and the reader.

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