Dec 18, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Brilliant article and in the perfect tone. No accommodations to tyrants.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

This is my favorite article since fat orange retard. Thank you.

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Thank you, I must write an update about Trump soon. I've been waiting for the legal mumbo jumbo to work itself out.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Excellent article. All Leftists are the same. Murat, Marx, Stalin, Pol Pot, FDR, Foucault, Kendi, Obama, your next door neighbor with the Pride flag on her porch. There is no difference in their methods or end goals. The only difference is what they think they can get away with in their historical moment.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Have you seen the article about the people who melted down the Robert E. Lee statue? There was a photo of Lee's statues' face as it was melted down that I would put on a tshirt and wear it if it was available. That would be perfect merchandise for you if you get into that. I am also wondering if you will write an article about the new president of Argentina at some point?

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Yes, I remember the Lee statue. More year zero bullshit.

I'll consider the Argentina thing, but I haven't found too interesting so far. He needs a good scandal or something. 😉

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Amen brother.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Giving too much ground to an ideology built on a hatred of life and goodness will inevitably lead to a mountain of skulls.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Excellent piece!

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You must learn the difference between class-based Marxism, and identity-based Marxism. Do not forget also that woke communism serves the interests of the super-rich by keeping the lower classes divided and fighting over identity politics.

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RemovedDec 18, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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I am sorry, but there are no free speech Leftists. I would consider genuine belief in free speech being among the disqualifications for someone being considered a Leftist. Leftists have been the same throughout history...it could even be said that Leftism is a part of the mass human psyche just waiting for a chance to consume its host. The free speech activism was all opportunism. It was designed to break down the old order to weaken the enemy, same as Critical Theory and postmodernism more generally. The Dune quote about principles applies.

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Yes it does make sense. The Capitalist / Communist nexus - the wealth and power in the hands of a small "elite" group. Capitalism is soft communism and not the same as free enterprise.

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This advice is probably wholly lost on you but you need to understand the philosophical and political lineage of Leftism more broadly and Communism in particular. It is impossible to understand how what we are seeing now is an evolution of Communism without understanding the historical context and philosophical evolution of Leftism through the past two centuries. Gramsciism and Leninism are direct antecedents to modern Leftist "woke" thought, and they are both evolutions of traditional Marxism.

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My post was in reply to Henry Brewer, not you. This is where any condescension comes from. I was matching his sarcasm.

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